Chieftain of Edgeworthstown
In Early Christian times Ardagh was the centre of Tethbae Deiscirt (South Tethbae
). Ardagh barony was formed from the territory of Sleughtwilliam (Edgeworthstown
), the territory of Clangillernan (Templemichael), and from part of the church lands in the parishes of Ardagh and
Captain of the Sleughtwilliam - Annaly
Grant of The Captainship and Chief Grant by Queen Elizabeth I
or Slewght William in the Annaly - also spelled "Sleuaght William
Ardagh - was formed from the territory of Sleughtwilliam (Mostrim parish), the territory of Clangillernan
(Templemichael), and from part of the church lands in the parishes of Ardagh and Ballymacormick.
Grant by the Queen Elizabeth to Lord Delvin CHRISTOPHER NUGENT -
1565: - Possessions and the captainship of Slewaght within the Analy were granted to Lord Devlin in 1565.
(Morrin, i, 500), (Med. religious houses, Ire., 172) the Abbey of All Saints, and the custody or captainship of
Slewaght within the Analy.

Captainship Citation
CaptainShip Definition

Citation of Captainship Click Here

Moiety of Ardagh

Court Baron - Castel Lissenoannagh -
IX. 29.-—“ Grant under the commission for
the plantation of Longford. to Thomas
Nugent.—Longford County. The town
and lands of Corroboymore, Correyboybegg, Aghenteskin, Carrickmacinleney, Fyermore, Aghencownalle, alias
Aghenitanvally, Lissenuske, Killoge, Keallragh, Clennenegenny, Lenemore, and Corlukillog, 643a. pasture, and
46a. bog and wood, excepting thereout the lands of Ballenegoshenagh, 96a., and Ballygarnett, 296a. pasture,
and 43a. bog and wood ; Cornemow, 50a. pasture, and 6a. bog and wood, barony of Longford; the castle and lands of Lissenoannagh, 113a. pasture,
and 24a. bog and wood, barony of Granard ; Clonedarramner and Annaghguillen, 32a. pasture, and 298a. bog and
wood; Clonfelym, Clonynbegg, Diryushy, and Derrycullin, 30a. pasture, and 137a. bog and wood, barony of Longford. To hold i n capite, by military service ; rent for
the l,164a. pasture, £12 2s. 6d., Engl., and for the 554a. bog and wood, 11s. 6%d. Those lands created the
manor of
Correboymore, with court leet and view of
frank-pledge and court baron; with power to appoint seneschals and other oflicers, with jurisdiction in all
actions for covenant and trespass where the damages do owt exceed 40a., Ir.; with power to make tenures; to
have free warren; to enjoy all escheats.
Gerard Nugent — The castle, town and lands of Lissagheneden, Killeoge and Aghnegeeragh,
372a. pasture, 76a. bog and wood, excepting 40a. pasture and 20a. moor, near BalKnrye, lately assigned to
Shane O'Ferrell; Leackan, 154a. pasture and 82a. bog and wood ; Cranelaghes, 18a., barony of Ardagh ;
Ballinegossanagh, in Correboy, 19a.; Gurtincaslane, 19a., barony of Longford; rent for the pasture land, £6
7s. lid., Bnglish, and for the bog and wood, 5s. 9d.

The county of 'Longford, vhich is chiefly occupied by the diocese of Ardagh, is
divided into the baronies of Granard, Ardagh, Longford, Moydow, Rathcline and Shrule, and not
only were the ancient meares and bounds of the county, but the contents of each barony,
ascertained by an inquisition taken in this year : it is observed in this instrument that the
baronies of Leitrim, Mobill and Carrigallon, which are now reputed part of the county of
Leitrim, did formerly constitute a part of this county. The barony of Granard was found
anciently to consist of the territories of Clanshane and Slewcarberie, in the former of these
territories were the abbey lands of Larha,containing eighteen; Inchemore, fifteen ; and
Cloghballinemanagh, six cartrons ; and the termon lands of Clonebrony, containing eight ; and
those of Granardekill twocartrons.
The barony of Aidagh consisted of the territories of Sleughtwilliam, Ballymacormick
and others, within this barony there were the church lands of Glan,
containing four cartrons ; Ardbaghell, one; Baornegaolle, one; Baorneclaghtikewo, two;
Crosse, two ; Cornan, one ; Ballywalter, one ; Lysneskeaghe, one ; Ardnyskine, one ;
Templemichell, one and a half ; and in Ardaghe, one-the abbey-lands of Ballinesegarte,
containing two cartrons, which belonged to the nunnery of Ballintegarte the termon-lands of
Ballinruddye and Boghermore, each containing two cartrons - and the following lands belonging
to the dean of Ardagh, viz : Moragan, two cartrons ; Lysemiske, one ; and in Ardagh, one. The
barony of Longford consisted of the territories of Clan-Hugh and Moytra ; in the former of
these were seven acres of glebe-land belonging to the church of Killoe, and one acre in
Newton belonging to the same; and in the latter, were the abbey- lands of Longford, con.
taining one cartron ; the termon · lands of Clonedarragh, containing four; and the
glebe-lands of the church of Clonegisse, containing one fourth of a cartron in Clonegisse and
four acres in Longford called Lysvicdegauge. --The barony of Moydow consisted of the
territories of Clanawly, and parts of other territories ; in Clanawly, were the termon-lands
of Cloneogherye, containing nine cartrons-the
abbey-lands of Derge, containing ten and a half; and the glebes of Killishee and Moydow, each of
these glebes consisted of one cartron, which belonged to the res. pective vicars of the churches
of Killishee and Moydow. The barony of Rathcline consisted of the territories of Callow and part
of Clanconnor, in the former of these were the following abbey-lands, viz: Caronullan,
Carrowdromenise, Dirrenegal. laghe, Carowclarishe, Ballereoghe, Carowbege, Carowmore,
Carowniclonaghe, Carowntedye, and Cashell, each containing one quarter ; Shrowher, one cartron ;
Ballyneheuse, two quarters ; and the two quarters belonging to Incheloghlen ; and also, one
cartron of glebe land, which belonged to the vicar of the church of Rathcline ; and in the
latter there was, among others, a cartron of land called) Kildachanoge, and certain church-land
belonging to the said Kildachamoge. The barony of Shrule consisted of a part of the territories
of Moybrawne, Clanconnor and Mountergalgan ; in the first of these there were twenty cartrons of
the abbey. lands of Shrule ; and in the last of them, one cartron of glebe-land, called
Aghanahaglis, belonging to the church of Agharow. see Inquisition 1614, GRANARD, AND STREET. —
The castle, of Granard was found in this year to have
been leased to Francis Shane, knt. for a term of years, and a quarter of the Do, minicans lands,
to which belonged the rectory of Granari ; there was appendant to this rectory a chapel of ease,
called Clowneballema‘arnan, in the county of Cavan. Sir Francis Shạne had also a lease of the
rectory of Surade, alias Street, lying partly in the county
of Longford, and partly in that of Westmeath ; and of those of Shrowell, Külacamock, Moydowe,
Kilnashee, Tashevat, Tasbeene, Clonchies, Templemichell, Kilglasse, and Ballincarmick, with
three cartrons of land, in the Breanow, and the wood of the Breanow and Strother, all which
tories and cartrons of land belonged to the priory of
Loughseudy. see
Inrolment. 1634. RATHREA,
AND A HARAGH.— The former of these
rectories was found, by inquisition
taken in this year, to extend into the lands of Rareagh, Corfobullaghes, Kossart, A
ghencasslan, alias Cloghigin,
alias Sillianreagh,
Aghneskeoghe, Kynarde, Lorgge, alias Lurge, Tonebegge, alias Skervin, Cargin, Agbnevenchor, Aghen.
evelge, alias Aghoneveloge, Kilincroobagh,
Aghinekilly, Aghanderry, Cloghgare, Rath, Cordarragh, and Sillianmagoy, in the county of
1.ongford--and the rectory of Aghary, alias Atharry, hodie A haragh; to extend
into the townlands of Athary, Ardanragh, Lissevarruffe, Cleduffe, Ballymacshane, Caltraghmanus,
Lisscormuck and Tinelagh.seeInquisition.1638. SEE-ESTATE-Grant in pure alms to the
bishop of Ardagh and his successors of four quarters and a halt' of Fenagh ; five, of Cloone;
two, of Kiltaughourke; the half cartron of Aghanecrosse ; the two quarters of Kiltubrid ; the
two, of Killerry; and the quarters of Anpaghdufre and Killenemuiry. It appears by letters patent
dated the 26th of February, in the seventeenth year of James the first, that bis Majesty had
intended, on the plantation of the county of Leitrim, to assign these lands to the bishop of
Ardagh, in lieu of which the bishop had covenanted for himself and his successors, to release to
his clergy of the said county thequartaparsepiscopalis; but as the bishop of that day
neglected to pass patent, pursuant to said letters, an application was made by bishop Richardson
to King Charles the first, who, on the 24th July 1631, and 8th April 1633, directed these lands
to be granted to the bishop, pursuant to the intentions of his father in this matter. This
measure was however retarded by a former order of the council-board of the 17th March 1616,
whereupon the King, by his letters of the 21st June 1636, ordered this grant to pass. The grant
appears to have taken effect in 1638.pursuant to the tenor of a certificate made by the
commissioners for remedy of defective
titles, dated 10th May 1637, contirmed by the lord deputy and Council. 1698. KILTOGHARD.--The
ancient parish church of Kiltohorke, alias Kiitoghard, in the
barony and county of Leitrim, being situate in an uninbabited and remote part of the parish ; it
was made lawful, as Carrick-drumruske in the said parish and barony was an english corporation
and wholly inhabited by Protestants, and therefore convenient for the situation of the said
parish church, to build the parish church at a convenient place in the town of
Carrick-drumruske, the ground for the site of the church and church-yard having been set apart
for the purpose, by sir George St. George, of Hedford, bart. v. 9. 1723, SHRULE.-- The site of the
parish-church of Shrule removed, with the required con.
sent, to the town of Ballymahon.
Citation Sleught William Boundaries
The said territorie of Sleughtwilliam contayneth
these severall parcells of lands, chargeable as aforesaid,
Kistefintine 2 cartrons, Blightoge 2 cartrons, Lisrian 2 cartrons, Ballow 1 cartron,
Malliaghe i cartron, Mongiholehane i-cartron, Ballaghgowlye 1 cartron, Frighan 1 cartron,
Clonetonnye 2 cartrons, Corry 1 cartron, Cooleamberbeg 1 cartron, Freaghmyn 1 cartron,
Clonekaghe 1 cartron, Leaughill 1 cartron, Monedarragh 1 cartron, Kilsallagh 1 cartron,
Cammane 1 cartron, Lisnegrisie cartron, Lisemire i cartron, Barnye 1 cartron, Tomedoochan 2
cartrons, Tymynar 1 cartron, Camliske 2 cartrons, Lackan 1 cartron, Bracklonye 4 cartrons,
Cartroreoghe 1 cartron, Kilkerry , cartron, Lismagonine § cartron,
Rossmyn 1 cartron, Ewkyne 1 cartron, Mollengihie 1 cartron, Goohurte 1 cartron,
Cranalaghe 1 cartron, Motenvally I cartron,
Rowinevennye 1 cartron, Kaloghe 1 cartron, Roanyne 1 cartron, Lagharde 1 cartron,
Lysnegeraghe 1 cartron, Masetrome 1 cartron, Aghnetorrye 1 cartron, Aghedonowchow 1 cartron,
Kaltragh 1 cartron, Corrclaraghe 1 cartron, Rowengaronye j cartron, & Motevarde i
cartron.—The said territorie of Clangillernon containeth these severall parcells of lande,
chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Lysnemuckye 1 cartron, Liserlettye 1 cartron, Monyhoman I
cartron, Člonrase 1 cartron, Criaghduffe 1 cartron, Coolehenchie 1 cartron, Liscolle 1
cartron, two Gortnehassaghes 1 cartron, Omorryfadda l cartron, Ballymacwilliam 2. cartrons,
. 1 cartron, Lysnedaraghe and Aghlynagh 1 cartron, Corduffie 1 cartron, Killinlassartagh 4
cartrons, Coolle-Ishill 2 cartrons, Greallaghe and Dromlogher 1 cartron, Clonkafill 1 cartron,
& Lysnesilaghe 1 cartron.— The territorie of Ballymaccormick contains 8 cartrons, all free
lande ensuinge, viz. the territorie of Corbegg containeth these 8 cartrons of free lands,. viz.
Ballymackigan 3 cartrons, Slake 1 cartron, Knockuck 1 cartron, Lismac-Iver 1 cartron, &
Farnaghe 2 cartrons.— Ther are diverse other free lands in the said barony dispersed in severall
parts, viz. Ballinrye 2 cartrons, Ravalldrine 1 cartron, Lysaghnedine 4 cartrons, Raholrade 3
cartrons, Drombane 1 cartron, Lysfralloghteraghe 1 cartron, Lysfralleighteragh 2 cartrons,
Clonearde 2 cartrons, Lyserdowly 4 cartrons, Clonecosvye 1 cartron, Coolennye 2 cartrons,
Clewraghe 1 cartron, Fearaghafadda 2 cartrons, Coolekagh 2 cartrons, Tonegarvogen 1 cartron, and
also 3 cartrons of Longforde in the south side of the river. Ther is certaine church lande
within the said barronie, yiz. Glan containeing 4 cartrons, Ardbaghell 1 cartron, Baornegaolle 1
cartron, Baorneclaghtikewo 2 cartrons, Crosse 2 cartrons, Cornan 1 cartron, BallyWalter 1
cartron, Lysneskeaghe 1 cartron, Ardnyskine 1 cartron, in Ardage 1 cartron, & Templemichell
15 cartrón; and also abbay lande, viz. Ballinesegarte 2 cartrons, belonginge to the nunnerye of
Ballintegarte ; and also termon lande, viz. Ballinruddye 2 cartrons, & Boghermore 2 cartrons
; and also lands belonginge to the dean of Ardage, viz. Moragan 2 cartrons, Lysemiske 1 cartron,
and i cartron in Ardaghe. Ther is within the said barronie 12 cartrons of lande chargeable to
the rent grant to sir Nicholas Malby, and to the said rent belonginge to the mannor of Granarde,
viz. Trilly 2 cartrons, Clonfynoghe 1 cartron, Lisdrynagh I cartron, Clonaghmore 1 cartron,
Lyssacrossan 1 cartron, Aghadreassaghe 1 cartron, Carickostannell2 cartrons, Aghantillhan I
cartron, Aghanasyoge 1 cartron & Aghancoslen i cartron.--The territorie of Farrireoghe
contayneth these severall landschargeable with both rents as aforesaid, viz. Killyn 4 cartrons,
viz. Cordoragh 1 cartron, Cargin 1 cartron, Derryderragh 1 cartron & Caltraghe &
Kleygare 1 cartron ; Aghavanchure 2 cartrons, Clonetymolan 2 cartrons, Aghneveloge 1 cartron,
Tawnaghbegge and Skarvan 1 cartron; Rathreoghe 4 cartrons, viz. Taghearde i cartron, Kenuarde 2
cartrons & Lurgaun 1 cartron; & Corrypubbowllaghe 2 cartrons.-There is in the
barronie of Longforde the severall territories of Clan-Hugh and Moytra.- The territorie of
Clan-Hugh contayneth these severall parcells of lande chargeable with the rents as aforesaid,
viz. Farmoyle 1 cartron, Leaght 1 cartron, Leggaghe 1 cartron, Dramarde 1 cartron, Corglas 1
cartron, Kilton 1 cartron, Clonevelly 2 cartrons, Nahanow 1 cartron, Eadene 1 cartron, Fasery 1
cartron, Glanmore 1 cartron, Groniskillan 1 cartron, Keltereaghe , cartron, Doory cartron,
Corgarrye 1 cartron, Geagie 1 cartron, Littercullan 1 cartron, Litterkeragh-ennane i cartron,
Littercannells cartron, Killmyhan cartron, Derrykelan 1 quarter, Bracklaghe 1 quarter, Esker 1
quarter, Dirolle i cartron, Dulrucke 1 cartron, Cornyhinshine cartron, Derrinecrossye l quarter,
Barraghbegge 1 quarter, Barraghmore cartron, Breanroskillye 1 quarter, Melckan 1 quarter,
Greaghe l} cartron, Minachill i cartron, Garrachill i cartron, Gortowonnye cartron, Gurtinoulye
cartron, Clonetomocher 1 cartron, Cattan 1 cartron, Sowrore 1 cartron, Carreneddan į cartron,
Dromnecahie 1 quarter, Derrylagban i quarter, Greme 1 quarter, Gurtincusban į quarter,
Gurtindooehill quarter, Ehanbege , cartron, Dromlishe 5 quarters, Clo
nevacarte 5 quarters, Clonaghe 1 cartron, Coolenesee 1 cartron, Bawncully 1 cartron, Aghnemaddye
1 cartron, Ehanemore 1 care tron, Corlech s cartron, Clanye i quarter, Mokenaghmore i quarter,
Dromhoghlie cartron, Knockegarran į quarter, Crivye
cartron, Lismoddie / cartron, Cornemoe cartron, Lysmore 1 cartron, Corrbegge 2 cartrons,
Corrymore 2 cartrons, & Dromenebaye 1 quarter. In the territorie of Claughagh are these free
lands following, Rean 1 cartron, Aghaboye 1 cartron, Kilnecarra
cartron, Gurtindoéchill quarter of a cartron, Kiltyerevaghe ģ cartron, Dromhoghly 14 quarter of a
cartron, Knocknevan į quarter, Mockanaghbegge quarter, Killitter 1 quarter, Bare quarter,
Clonebegge į quarter, Farragb 1 cartron & Ballygarrow 1 cartron.There is in the said
countrie crowded certaine gleeb land, viz. Killoe 7 acres belonging to the church of Killoe, and
one acre in Newton belonginge to the same. -The territorie of Moytra containeth these severall
parcells, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Aghnegore 4 cartrons, Kilmore 3 cartrons, Ballymacbryen
3 cartrons, Ballykennye 2 cartrons, Tully 2 cartrons, Lysnemireloan 1 cartron, Aghoreoghe 1
cartron, Lysecloghan 1 cartron, Mullaghe 1 cartron, Moylaghlogher 2 cartrons, Cartronkenye 2
cartrons, Lysmore 1 cartron, Monylaggan 1 cartron, Lysmealls 1 cartron, Monearde 1 cartron,
Lewagh 1 cartron, Faghie 2 cartrons, Clonballyl cartron,
Kahanagh 1 cartron,
Cullaghe i cartron, Dorrikarra 1 cartron, Dromure 1 cartron, Crinaghe 1 cartron, Gurtmornyne
1 cartron, Garranecheill 1 cartron, Lyetryme 2 cartrons, Doocheill & Corvilan 1 cartron,
Lisbracke lj cartron, Knoekannegle 1 cartron, Lyseboye 1 cartron, Carrige 1 cartron,
Briskeill 1 cartron, Clonepraghluske 1 cartron, Clonetehie 2 cartrons, Lysgerneall &
Shanclone 1 cartron and į quarter, Boherboye, Castletowne and Curraghboye 1 cartron,
Lyslostie 3 quarters, Dronesihie 1 cartron and i quarter, Clonegisse 3 cartrons, Corrye 2
cartrons, Cooletonaghe and Caltraghe 1 cartron, Kellyn 1 cartron, Aghamonnaghe 1 care tron,
Kelogmacgrorye 1 cartron, Toneleforiske 1 cartron, & Ballinluge 1 cartron.—The said
territorie contayneth theis free lands following, Ballagh-Iknowlan 1 cartron, Clone-Illan 1
cartron, Breanrosse 1 cartron, Moygh į cartron, Dromnesihie cartron, Lyslostie 1 quarter,
Ballincarran 16 cartrons, & Longford 3 cartrons.—Ther is in the said territorie certaine
abbye lands, the abbye of Longforde 1 cartron thereunto belonging; also certaine corbor or
termon lands, viz. Clonedarragh 4 cartrons; and certaine gleb lands, viz. in Clonegisse I
cartron belonginge to the churche of Clonegisse, and 4 acres in Longford belonging to the
same church called Lysvicdeganye.-The barrony of Moydow contayneth theis several territories
followinge, Clanawly parte of Moybrawne, parte of Clangillernow & parte of Clanconnor of
Muntergalgan.--The territory of Clanawlye contayneth certain parcells of land chargeable as
aforesaid, viz. Clonefore 5 cartrons, Aghanekillye 1 cartron, Leynyneighteraghe 1 cartron,
Leynynoghteraghe 2 cartrons, Bealnamore and Caltraghe 2 cartrons, Tullye 1 cartron,
Cornalaghclone 1 cartron, Knockevagan i cartron, the Arde and Ballinknoicke 1 cartron,
Bruckennye i cartron, Correlegan 1 cartron, Cloneannye 1 cartron, Carrowveanaghe 1 cartron,
Coorgine 1 cartron, Mullodromode 1 cartron, Caltraghmore 1 cartron, Gurtinboye and
Aghantraghe 1 cartron, Correclonecallye 3 cartrons, Toonebeggan 1 cartron, Triligbege 1
cartron, Clonekyne and Quillagharde 1 cartron, Clonryne and Dooclone 1 cartron, Clonedawde 1
cartron, Tonefyne 1 cartron, Clonekyre 3 cartrons, Corredirvyne 1 cartron, Ardbeg and
Aghnehowoe cartron, & Dromodoghter 1 cartron.
-Ther are certaine free lands within the said barronie, viz. Bellaclare and Dromodeighter 2
cartrons, Dooclone and Cloneryne 1 cartron, & Clonemore 6 cartrons; certaine termon lande,
viz. Cloneogherye 9 cartrons; and certain gleb lands, viz. Kilneshee 1 cartron belonging to the
viccar of the churche of Killissye, Moydoo 1 cartron belonginge to the viccar of the church of
Moydoo.-There are certaine abbaye lands, viz. the abbaye of Derge contayneth 104 cartrons.—Ther
is within the said parte of Clangillornan these severall lands, chargeable as aforesaid, viz.
Corre- , derrye 2 cartrons, Bellacloghan 1 cartron, Mullaghe 1 cartron, Criaghduffe 1 cartron,
Cartronboggan í cartron, Cartronebrackye 1 cartron, Bawne 1 cartron, Agheknappagh 1 cartron,
Derrymore 1 cartron, Lissetotan 1 cartron, Cartronkille 1 cartron, Cartrongarue 1 cartron,
Gurtinnegloo 1 cartron, Glaslone 1 cartron, Aghennye 2 cartrons, Cartronevallye 1 cartron,
Cartronegeraghe 1 cartron, Nadeverre 1 cartron, Clonemore 1 cartron, Keiloge-Irell i cartron,
Graffoge, Tonelostran & Tonegrisaghe 1 cartron, Trilige 1 cartron, & Lysduffe 1 quarter
and ; quarter of a cartron.-The said territorie contayneth theis free lands, viz. Tooreallen I
cartron, Aghedangin and 'I'rilige 1 cartron, & Lysduffe and Knockan 1 cartron.—The parte of
the territorie of Moybrawne contayneth these severall lands chargeable as aforesaied, 'viz.
Cannagh 4 cartrons, Corbally 2 cartrons, Mornyn 6 cartrons, Corrohobberhennyhie 1 cartron,
Lysekitt 1 cartron, Largin 1 cartron, Cartroncriskill 1 cartron, Ballintobber 2 cartrons,
Carrigedmonde 2 cartrons, Lislea 1 cartron, Keele I cartron, Killindoodye 1 cartron, &
Kynagh 1 cartron. - The parte of Clan
reoghe 4 cartrons, Tullaghe 4 cartrons, Skyeaghan 4 cartróns, Tobbernarye 4 cartrons, Lyagan 4
cartrons, Ardanraghoghteraglı 4 cartrons, Ardanragheighteraghe 4 cartrons, Tenecrosse 1 cartron,
Loggnaddye 1 cartron, Clegekynegh 1 cartron, & Tenueclabbachan 1 cartron.— The said
territory contayneth some free lands, viz. Agharow and Lyssavarsa 8 cartrons; gleb land, viz.
Aghanahaglis i cartron, belonging to the church of Agharow; and some free lande, viz. Tenebane 1
cartron.—17} cartrons, after 2 cartrons of small measure to a cartron, that is to say 35 small
cartrons of Montergalgan belongeth to O'FARRALL'ban, his parte of the countrie, and chardgeable
to the payment of both rents as aforesaid.-17] cartrons, of like measure, in Montergalgan
belongeth to O'FARRALL boye's parte of the countrie, chardgable as aforesaid.
Longford 3 Oct 1623. EDW' NUGENT seis' fuit, de feod', de sepaľ vil, villat & campis de
Castlenebrack, Killynefaye, Camaraghe, Laghill, Cola loge, Ilan[ ] & Marydarragh, ac etiam
de medietat' vil & ter' de Shanclane id co' Longford', contin' p estimačon' 70 acr ter
arrabil & pastur', pcell' plantačon' dict' co'; put p tras patent' Regis nunc gerent dat' 2
jun'an' regni 8, plen apparet, reddend' inde annuatim dicť Regi hered' & successor
š 61. 7s. 5 d. ad fest šci Mich' & Pasch', p equal
porčon', tenendut de castr' de Dub' in libo & comun’ soccag’, & non in capite.-pd’Edw'
obiit.[ ] Nugent est ejus fil' & her', & fuit etať 22 annor' tempore mortis pris
s.-Amiss' val' p an' 51.
connor contayneth these severall lands chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Aghneskeagh I cartron,
Aghenlassye 1 cartron, Agbenkearben 1 cartron & Bcaledromo 1 cartron.-The parte of
Mounterealgan contayneth theis lands followinge, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Ballibeg and
Lanan 4 cartrons, Clonkyn 1 cartron, & Clonskott 2 cartrons. — The barony of Rathclyn
consisteth of the severall territories followinge, viz. the Callow and parcell of Clanconnor.
-The territorie of the Callow contayneth the severall parcells of land followinge, chargeable as
aforesaid, viz. Templepatricke 1 quarter, which maketh 4 cartrons of small measure, Knocke 1
quarter, Lysmakegan 1 quarter, Coolecroye 1 quarter, Cashellbege 1 quarter, Lysduffe 1 quarter,
Corrowle 2 quarters, Lysmagert 1 quarter, Lyswilliam 1 quarter, Shanballytegell i quarter,
Carowne. cargeboy 1 quarter, Lyerie 2 quarters, Carrownelorye 1 quarter, Carrowkille i quarter,
Carowhobegan 1 quarter, Carowracline 1 quarter, Mollaghbracke 1 quarter, Carownetemple !
quarter, Carownecargie i quarter, Carownetorbin 1 quarter, Ballengurtine 1 quarter,
Carowshencargine 2 quarters, Dyregawnae 1 quarter, Lysnecrosse 1 quarter, Cowletegall į quarter,
Carowruo 1 quarter, Aghowloghon i quarter, Carowskeaghe 1 quarter, Carownedownegan 1 quarter,
Carowneballeboye 1 quarter, Carowbolgannagh 1 quarter, Carownegyragh 1 quarter, Moykillteballan
2, quarters, Monemossenaghe 1 quarter, Drownecorre 4 quarters, Kiltebege 1 quarter, Formoyll 2
quarters, Lyssawlye 1 quarter, Cornadowe 2 quarters, Lysmoylle i quarter, Aghowaddan 1 quarter,
Lysclaghe i quarter, Cabraghmore 1 quarter, Morneformoylle 1 quarter, Lysnegan 1 quarter,
Syhanblevoer 1 quarter, Forkill 1 quarter, Kilnegartan 1 quarter, Carownefoill 1 quarter, and
Cordarye 1 quarter.
-Ther are certain free lands within the said territorie, viz. Clonboynaghe 1 quarter,
Kilnecaraghe and Fourchill 1 cartron, Tangae and Rathmore 1 quarter, Annagh į quarter, Clonkyne
1 quarter, Mogeelt quarter, Bellare 1 cartron, and Faslongarte , quarter:Ther is within the said
territorie certaine abbaye lands, viz. Ca. ronullan 1 quarter, Carowdromenise 1 quarter,
Dirrenegallaghe 1 quarter, Carowclarishe 1 quarter, Ballereoghe 1 quarter, Carowbege 1 quarter,
Carowmore 1 quarter, Carownclonaghe 1 quarter, Carowntedye 1 quarter, Cashell 1 quarter, Srowher
1 cartron, & Ballynehense 2 quarters, the 2 quarters belongeth to Incheloghlen, and is in
the possession of Sir Patrick Barnewall, and certaine glebe lands, viz. Rathclyne 1 cartron,
belonginge to the viccar of the church of Rathclyn.— The parcell of the territorie of Clanconor
contayneth theis severall lands, chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Moylackan 6 cartrons, Rossarte 2
cartrons, Glanmore 4 cartrons, Kynaghe 1 cartron, Lachoill 2 cartrons, Crighe 1 cartron,
Cartronvarre 1 cartron, Monysillaghe 1 cartron, Cartonavreakye 1 cartron, Corrygynnae 1 cartron,
Kiltaferye 3 cartrons, Cornakarty I cartron, Clonbrenye 1 cartron, Cartanadromac-ballyvahane, 4
cartrons, Ballybrannagan 1} cartron, Ballymulvye 1} cartron, Clonkyne 1 cartron, & Clonarde
1 cartron.-Their is, in said parcell of the said territorie, free land & certain church
land, viz. Tyerlicken 2 cartrons, Killyvihan 1 cartron, Cartonmartege 1 cartron,
Clog-Thomasbrowne i cartron, Kildachamoge i cartron, & church lande belonginge to the said
Kildachamoge.—The barony of Shroulle contayneth theis severall territories, viz. parte of
Moybrawne, parte of Clanconnor, & parte of Mountergalgan.The said parte of the territorie of
Moybrawne contayneth these severall lands chargeable as aforesaid, viz. Barry 8 cartrons, Doorye
2 cartrons, Correbane 2 cartrons, Listibbott 2 cartrons, Agharenagh 1 cartron, Tenemeranaghe 1
cartron, Corropobalagheightraghe | cartron, Corropobalaghoghteraghe cartron, Kellynegarocan 3
cartrons, Cartronfyne I cartron, Tenelike 3 cartrons, Massereogh 1 cartron, Killinboure 4
cartrons, Cloghtanbeddye al' Belakipe I cartron, Lysmacmorrogh 1 cartron, Rath and
"Ballyclinshenes 1 cartron, "Clonyn 1 cartron, Cornemucklaghe 1 cartron, Pallismore 2 cartrons,
both the Ballyvicknemase 2 cartrons, Kildordan 1 cartron, Bartinebege 1 cartron, &
Indrominge 2 cartrons-There is a parcell of lande, within the said parte of the said territorie,
which is chargeable to the payments of the said rent granted to Maulbye, and not to the rent of
Granarde, viz. Dromtaghfennye 4 cartrons.--The said territorie contayneth theis free lands, viz.
Pallislibege 1 cartron, Rath and Ballyclinsheannes 1 cartron, Cloghembeddye 1 cartron, &
Kilculline į cartron.-The said territorie contayneth certaine abbaye lands, viz. the abbay of
Shrowle 20 cartrons. The parcell of Clancranagh contayneth these severall lands, viz. Newcastle
1 cartron, Crioghduffe 1 cartron, Ballycore and Largae 2 cartrons, Forguy 44 cartrons,
Clonecalla 2 cartrons, Cryvaghmore 2 cartrons, Keele 4 cartrons, Crivaghbege 3 cartrons,
Rathbege 1 cartron, & Derry 2 cartrons. The parcell of Mountergalgan contayneth theis
severall lands, chargeable to the payment of both rents as aforesaid, viz. Caltraghmanus 1
cartron, Gurtinglase 1 cartron, Tyrenane 1 cartron, Tenelaghe 2 cartrons, Cartrọnmacrorye 1
cartron, Lyscormicke 1 cartron, Laggankippinaghe 1 cartron, Aghnehornye I cartron, Laghennye 1
cartron, Ballymacshan 2 cartrons, Skriboge 4 cartrons, Carrigboye 2 cartrons, Carne 4 cartrons,
Ardvarne 2 cartrons, Agherenaghe 4 cartrons, Tenny